
Zhejiang Vinak Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd

Zhejiang Vinak Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterpri-se of making laser equipment in China.  The company focuses on R & D, sales and service of middle and high-power lase...

Contact Us

Company: Zhejiang Vinak Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd

General Manager: Li Qun
Tel: 15810369308
Email: richardlee@weinakai.com

Address:#1-3-8 bldg., Guang Lian Industrial Park No.2 Ke Chuang fifith street Tongzhou, Beijing 101111, China
Telephone NO. 0086 575 83013396 Tel: 86-10-87706028 Fax: 86-10-87706022 Email:info@weinakai.com